Toroslar 186

by Toroslar Elektrik Dağıtım A.Ş.



Taurus 186 can easily create applications with registration failure, may have detailed information about all of your scheduled downtime, you can query with reference number. You can also create a demand for your cut-ins, make index entries found in the fault notification about your meter and you can stay up to date information about the request you made features that come with the application:- Timeline & Notification AreaConcerning your region or plumbing can be informed in advance of planned downtime, you can leave all your requirements easily and you can have instant information about the status of your last application.- Detailed List or in case of Planned Outage Map Viewsplanned outages of interest in your region or plumbing can follow list and map view, you can make yourself by adding reminder to your calendar.- Application Inquiry Transactionsyou make your inquiries from all channels, the Taurus can be easily questioned over 186 and you can find out the current situation.- AnnouncementsYou special deals, and you can follow the latest news about us in this section.- Counter Operationscan be found at fault for your counter notice, you may have some prior knowledge about the demands you make.- Index OperationsIndex may notice about your request, you can check the index value of your counter.- Cutting & Cutting ProcessesYou can follow the current energy situation in your plant, you can perform operations related to cutting and opening.- Widget Notification FeaturePractice with your installation with widgets without opening statement or you can check the status of planned outages for an address you specify.- View transactionsRegistered detailed information of your plumbing can follow from this area.- Frequently Asked Questions"New Connection", "Customer Relations", "Reading Index", "Counter Operations", "Fault", "The Fugitive," "cutting / Unlock" to frequently asked questions about topics you can access this section.- New Connection Authorized Electricians & OperationsIf you qualified electrician can query the status of their projects in real time, you can view your missing documents and appointments can get your project without going to the operations center.